A multi-response question is a closed question where the respondent has multiple answer options can select. For example: “In which provinces have you lived?”. The choice options in a multi-response question are displayed with boxes. As a respondent selects the option, a check mark appears.
On this page:
Add a multi-response question
- Click on 'Questions' and 'Enter' in the menu.
- Choose the multi-response question and click 'Select'.
- Enter a 'Question text'.
- Fill in the possible answers.
- Click on 'Save'.
Do you want the respondent to explain an answer themselves? Then select the answer type 'Open'.
Quickly create questions?
See more information about the batch entry.
Vwear options
The multi-response question has the following question options:
Question type
Here you can change the question type.
Terms and Conditions
Here you can set the condition on the question. Read more about it setting conditions.
click on om add an image to the question. Choose from an existing image from the MediaManager or upload your own image.
Block question on return
If the respondent has clicked on 'next', the respondent can submit the answer of these cannot be changed. You can find this option under the 'Tools' tab.
Question on same page previous question
Display this question on the same page as the previous question. You can find this option below the 'Tools' tab.
Count down timer
If you want to let a respondent continue automatically or longer with this one if you want the question to continue, you can use the timer. You can find this option below the 'Tools' tab.
Uncheck boxes
Show the answers without checkmarks. This is mainly used when the answers have been replaced with images. Leave the checkboxes checked if your research is digitally accessible (in connection with WCAG). That's what the research for to complete each respondent.
Answer options
You can use the following options for the answers:
Show answers in random order
The answers appear in a random order. If you have this option selected, an extra column appears with answer options. For an answer in the same place, check the box next to this answer option.
Number of check marks
You can set a range or the exact, minimum or maximum number of check marks.
Column(s) of answers
You can show answers in multiple columns next to each other instead of below each other (default). Note: do not put too many answers in columns around the question also easy to read on mobile devices. If there are too many answers in the columns, additional rows are automatically created.
Put a condition on showing the answer through it icon. Read more about it setting conditions.
You can refer the respondent to another question. You can get the number here of the question where the respondent can continue. Enter the desired question number in.
You can add an image through the media manager through the icon.
Delete reply
Delete an answer by clicking it -icon to click.
Exclusive answer
Enable this option to leave only the respondent with this answer Selecting. Once this answer has been given, no other answers can be given entered. You will find this option behind it -icon.
This only applies to the answer type 'Open'. There may be a restriction on a question be set such as a number range, a date range or a range for e-mails and zip codes.
Make an answer mandatory
This only applies to the answer type 'Open'. The respondent becomes mandatory enter an answer of a minimum number of characters. You will find this option behind the -icon.
If the respondent clicks on the 'i' of info, an explanation appears to the answer (max. 400 characters). You will find this option behind it -icon.
Fill one label per answer option. You will find this option behind it -icon.
Response type
Tick: boxes that allow multiple answers
Description: Displaying a text without respondents being able to check
Number: Only a number can be entered
Date: Respondents can enter a date
Calendar: Respondents can enter a date via a calendar
Open (small) : open text box the size of 2 or 3 words.
Open (big): open text box the size of a paragraph.