Click in the menu to "Back Office" and "Layout manager". Here you will find an overview of the layouts you have and you can create new layouts. It is also possible to upload your own fonts.
On this page:
Create new layout
In the layout manager, click "Add Layout". Follow these steps to layout to create:
- Enter the name of the layout: this is the name you want in the layout overview can find it back. This name is not visible to the respondents.
- Enter a Page Title: the page title is visible in the tab of the browser for everyone.
- Optional: upload a Favicon. This is the little logo you put in the tab of the browser. Recommended size is 35 by 35 pixels. The maximum allowed size is 128 by 128 pixels.
- Choose the header settings. Here you can:
- Select
- positioning (left / right / center)
- upload banner (media manager). Recommended size is 1000 by 250 pixels. Maximum size allowed is 2000 by 500 pixels. Keep a ratio of 1:4 for optimal results.
- Choose the desired Page styling. Here you can find general page styling options set, namely:
- Show progress bar at the top: Don't show/With percentage/Without percentage.
- Show progress percentage below.
- Show / Don't Show Encouragement (Well done!)
- Select color of the progress checkmark
- Select color progress bar
- Select theme color
- Choose the background. You can choose one of these options:
- Select a background color or:
- Upload an image. The maximum size allowed is 2000 at 2000 pixels. Optional: Pre-fill the background all over the page the best effect.
- Select the font / font styling:
- General font: this also automatically adjusts the fonts below, unless you set it manually.
- Question styling: choose the font, color and size of the question text
- Start and end page text positioning: select left, center or right
- Answer styling: choose the font, color and size of the answer text
- Description styling: choose the font, color and size of the description. You can add this description per question in the questions.
- Choose the desired styling of the "Previous" and "Next" buttons:
- Choose the background and font color of the previous button
- Choose the background and font color of the next button
Click "Save".
Add fonts
Do you use your own font in your corporate identity? You can own one add font in the layout manager.
Go to "Layout manager" in the menu. At "Add Fonts" you can click on "Choose." traffic jam ". Here you can upload the WOFF2 file. WOFF2 stands for Web Open Font Format and is a compressed file that can be used on websites. You can request a file from the communication department of your organization or download it yourself online.
Don't have your own font? You can also choose one of the standard fonts when creating the layout.
Finished editing?
View the layout by clicking . This icon is at the top right when you edit the layout in the layout manager.
Please note, the following elements cannot be changed and are always black:
- Description of answer (the "i") that you enter in the answer options
- Table question header before selecting an answer
- Selected answer (tick / radio button)
Delete Layout
Delete the layout by clicking . This icon is at the top right when you edit the layout in the layout manager.
Copy Layout
Copy the layout by clicking on . This icon is at the top right when you edit the layout in the layout manager.
Standard layouts
You can use the standard layouts called "Crowdtech Default 1: Pink "," Crowdtech Default 2: Pink (No header) "," Crowdtech Default 1: Blue Gray " and "Crowdtech Default 2: Blue Gray (No header)". These layouts are in the Crowdtech corporate identity and can be used freely by everyone. Additional benefit, we have created these to be WCAG proof. You cannot change the default layout nor delete it. You can, however, copy the standard layout by clicking to click. You can then edit and style the copy as desired.