You can change the order of question and answer options by drag-and-dropping or changing the numbers.
Drag and drop
Simply put questions in the correct order by dragging and moving questions. Pick up a question by clicking the block or the Drag icon () and drag the question to the desired position. The dotted line indicates the different pages. The dotted line changes to a solid dash to indicate the new location of the question. You can ask the same page by dragging them to that question's block. click on the Icon to unlink the question on the previous page.
The drag and drop will no longer work once there are completes in the survey.
More information on drag and drop.
Changing the numbers
In the example below you can see where you can change the number of the question and answer options respectively.
Display at completes
If the survey has completes, you can no longer change the question order. The drag and drop feature is also not available. You can unpublish the study to edit it. Learn more about the publication.