You can use variables to reflect questions, answers or data enrichment in the research. Think of personalizing an e-mail invitation, confirmation e-mail or the follow-up question. You can create variables for, for example:
- Processing given answer (s) anywhere in the questionnaire (question and / or answer).
- Processing given answer (s) in a confirmation e-mail.
- The randomised display of questions (utterances) to the respondents by having the respondent assign a characteristic.
- Sending a confirmation message to an e-mail address entered in the questionnaire.
Create variables
- In the menu go to "Questions" and "Variable".
- Select "Create variable quickly via the wizard"
- Select the question for which you want to receive a given (open) answer.
- Click on "Next"
- Indicate at "Fill variable with" how the variable should be filled.
- Give the variable a name (for example; 'e-mail', or (open) answer question 3 ')
- Click on "Continue". The variable has now been created.
Alternative response text
After creating the survey variable and the variable line, an alternative answer text can be entered as a fill line for each closed answer.
- After creating the variable, click under "Variable Rule".
- Enter the alternative text per line (such as "Him" and "Her" in the example).
- Leave the open answers blank: these respondents will not see alternative text.
- Click on "Save".
After you have created the variable, this icon will appear at the right edge of the menu: . This contains the created variables and data enrichment. Both are indicated with different symbols. The variables can be identified by [{variable}] and the enrichment by [[enrichment]].
Process variable in e-mail
In the menu, go to "Communication" and go to "Confirmation" where you can start an email. In this email you can process the variable. For example, did you name the open answer "Name"? Then you can enter the variable [[Name]] in the HTML code. The name that the respondent has provided will appear in the confirmation message. Did you ask for the name of the respondent in the survey? Then you set the variable to this open answer and process that code in the (confirmation) e-mail.
User Agent
Do you want to know what kind of device the respondent is using? Then create the User Agent at variable. Create the variable manually and set "user agent" as the fill-in rule. This variable automatically retrieves the browser and device type.