For multi-response questions you can create a condition based on OR and AND. This example shows how it is possible to pass on respondents alone let go in the questionnaire when they:
- OR know "Amsterdam",
- OR know "Brussels"
- AND DO NOT know "Berlin"
First of all, we go through the 4 steps to add a new condition which states that respondents know Amsterdam.
- At the question you want to conditionally show, click on the right under "Options" under "Conditions" .
- Indicate to which question the respondents who do NOT meet the condition are sent. Choose between 'Next question', 'End of survey', or 'question' - in the last option you can then select the question that is true you want to send people who do not meet the condition.
- What kind of data are you going to base the condition on? Select condition type "Question".
- Choose the question on which the condition will be based: In the dropdown, select Question 1: "Which European cities have you been to?"
- Choose the relevant answer "Amsterdam".
- Choose the type of condition "Is given".
After this, we create the condition that the respondents do NOT know Berlin.
- Click on the "And" option, and select the condition type "Question" again.
- Choose the question on which the condition will be based: In the dropdown, select Question 1: "Which European cities have you been to?"
- Choose the relevant answer "Berlin".
- Choose the type of condition "Is not given".
After this you can click on the Amsterdam condition and create the "OR" rule for Brussels.
The tree structure will now look like this:
- Question 2 is displayed if the following conditions are met:
- OR respondents know "Amsterdam"
- OR respondents know "Brussels"
- AND respondents do NOT know "Berlin".
Clicking on a condition in the tree structure will open this condition and you can adjust it, for example from AND to OR, or to another answer.
There is no limit to the number of conditions that you can combine.
Please note: first create the Amsterdam condition, then click on the condition and choose "and don't know Berlin" first. After this, click the condition on Amsterdam, add 'or' and set a condition for Brussels. Are you stuck? Contact us at .