You can give respondents access to the survey in various ways. While testing the survey, it is advisable to "No login required" to use.
The options are:
Only codes from the list
You can create and import codes yourself . This code must consist of at least 3 numbers and / or letters. Then you can send these codes to the respondents with which they can log in. Respondents can participate in the research once with this code. Do you want the respondent participate twice with the same code? Then use the option "Participant management step up multiple login columns" .
Only email addresses from list
You can import the email addresses. Only the respondents who have this email address log in get access to the study. Respondents can use their email address participate once in the study. Do you want to let the respondent participate twice? with the same email address? Then use the option "Participant management step up multiple login columns"
Participant enters a code themselves
The respondent can enter a code to participate in the survey. This code must consist of at least 3 numbers and / or letters. You can on the homepage of the survey explain what kind of code the respondents can enter.
Participant enters their own e-mail address
The respondent enters an email address to participate in the survey. The completed address must contain an at sign (@) and a valid domain (ending in .com, .nl, or .eu for example).
No login required
Anyone with the link can participate in the survey. There is no access control and respondents cannot be found with a code or email address. This also allows respondents to participate multiple times. After 15 minutes of inactivity, the participants are seen as a new respondent and the survey starts again.
Login cookie check
The browser remembers the respondent's participation via functional cookies. Bee If you drop out and open the link again, the respondent continues where he left off used to be. This access option prevents double participation in the same browser.
After signing up
When respondents register, they receive an email with a confirmation link. This is a double opt-in: the respondent first registers and confirms then participate again via a link in the e-mail he receives.
click on to set up a domain that the respondents can use to register. So you can For example, you can only accept respondents who have an email address ends in @ If you leave this field empty, all e-mail addresses will be accepted. You can also set up an email that the respondents will receive after registration received. To do this, click on . View more information about creating emails .
With this link they can then participate in the research. Note: by respondents sometimes drop out of this double opt-in.