If you send an email to more than 500 email addresses, you have to be extra careful pay attention to the content. Follow the tips below to get the email as good as possible to arrive at the recipient.
On this page:
Check spelling, grammar and punctuation
Test your email before sending
Update the mailing list and remove bouncers in Survey
Check spelling, grammar and punctuation
Make sure there are no spelling mistakes in the subject line and body of the email sit. These can ensure that your e-mail can be seen as spam. Usage in the body of your email:
- No unnecessary spaces like S P A C E.
- No special characters in words like eg ex3mple, str@nge.
- No words like 'newsletter', 'free', 'advertisement', 'affiliate', 'win', 'money', etc.
- Unnecessary capital letters (CAUTION);
- Characters such as !, %, €, or $ (exclamation, percentage, or currency signs).
- No 'Reminder' or 'Reminder' in the subject line.
- No prizes or gift cards for participants to win in the subject line.
Hyperlinks and URLs
Hyperlinks are a point of interest for mail providers. The URLs of the hyperlinks are checked on four points:
- The text of the hyperlink: is this the same domain name as the URL to refers?
- the sender: does the sender's domain name match that of the hyperlink?
- the subject line of the e-mail: will it use the same names as that are in the hyperlink?
- Amount of hyperlinks: are there relatively many hyperlinks in the email text? Make sure there is proportionately more text than hyperlinks in the email sit.
Unsubscribe link (disclaimer)
In Survey, there is a disclaimer with an option in every email by default until unsubscribe. This will make recipients more likely to unsubscribe from your emails instead of marking them as spam. This disclaimer is important for the e-mail providers: if you have this unsubscribe option in the e-mail, seen as positive.
- Do you want to be sure that the participants of a study are also future e-mails well received? Please include a request for your shipping address in the email to their address list or safe senders list.
- Do you have a White label package from Crowdtech and do you use your own disclaimer? Always include an unsubscribe link in the disclaimer.
Image to text ratio
Sometimes text in an image is placed in spam emails. That's why the . check spam filters extra on the amount of images in a text. The tips:
- A maximum of 1/3 of the message may contain an image. Limit the number of images as much as possible and opt for text if possible.
- Add Alt texts to the images. In Survey, you can join a new e-mail in the editor for this add the description of the image.
Are you formatting the email in the source text? Then use Alt tags in the HTML.
Test your email before sending
To see if your bulk mail meets the guidelines, it is good to check the email to test before sending it to your target audience and after the email is sent is. Before you send your bulk mail: go to https://www.mail-tester.com/ and follow the instructions.
Update the mailing list and remove bouncers in Survey
If an email address is marked as a bouncer, this email address will disappear for 90 days off the mailing lists. The e-mail addresses do not receive new messages.
- Keep your email lists clean and up to date. So delete once marked email addresses from your mailing list.
- Do not add unsubscribed email addresses to the mailing list again.