In the menu, go to "Download center" and "Export / import texts". Here you can easily make adjustments (eg translations) for a specific questionnaire.
1. Export the texts of the questionnaire
Download all the texts of a questionnaire. The CSV file contains the following, manually entered texts, from the questionnaire:
- Text of start link
- Text on start page (if entered)
- Text on last page (if entered)
- Text survey closed (if entered)
- All question and answer texts
The following three columns (columns A to C) are included in the file:
- VAR: Designation of the text type
- Label: The label name of the question and / or answer
- The language code: Dutch is for example: “NL”. This column contains all translations.
2. Make adjustments
Add the desired adjustments in a fourth column (column D). The column name cannot be identical to the other column names. If certain texts do not replace copy the lines from column C into column D.
3. Import the new text of the questionnaire
Replace the current texts (column C) with the adjusted texts (column D), via the "import" function. This is done immediately and automatically.
Note: the file must meet the following conditions when importing:
- A CSV file;
- No invalid characters.
Please note: Special characters, such as Chinese characters, may not be displayed correctly saved in the CSV file (via Excel). The characters are then replaced through question marks. It is important to save the characters correctly add-in (UnicodeCSV) for Excel.