You can download the following file formats:
- CSV / TXT file (can also be used in Excel)
- SPPS labels
- SPPS data file
- PDF file
Download result files
- Optional: select a filter to apply. Read more about it creating a filter.
- Select the time period and enter the desired dates at "From" and "To".
- Select the desired file type.
- Select the desired participant status. You can choose from:
- Completes: respondents who completed the survey.
- Dropping out: respondents who did not complete the survey.
- Completes quitters: all respondents who participate in the survey have started.
- Total: all results of completes, dropouts and incompletes (respondents who have not yet participated in the study).
- Optional: add the login column and data enrichment columns to the result files. This feature is off by default.
- Click "Download".
Data in result files
The file contains the following data by default:
- Start date: date of start of research
- Start time: time of study start
- End date: date of investigation completed
- End time: time of investigation completed
- Turnaround time: the turnaround time of the questionnaire (in seconds)
- Login: the respondent's login (email address / code / random code). The values will be replaced by 'Anonymous' if it is an anonymous survey.
- Referrer: URL where the respondent comes from
- Group: group to which the respondent belongs
In addition, the following information is displayed (in order):
- Question numbers: Each question starts with "V". For example, question 1 is indicated with "V1". This is replaced with a demand label if the demand label is set is next to the question.
- Research variables (if created): The variables that are manual if they are not excluded from export via "Anonymity".
- Data enrichment variables (if created): The data enrichment that is included to the respondent (by an import file) if they are not excluded for the export via "Anonymity".
- Panel variables: Whenever the Community has decreased, you can also see these variables in the download center
- Read on about the layout of download files .
In the file you can find the following values:
- -99 = question skipped
- NULL = question seen but not answered
- 0 = not given answer for a multi-response question
- 1 = answer given for a multi-response question or a question involving several answers are possible.
Read more about transferring CSV / TEXT or SPSS files to the desired format.