You can display answers with text and/or images.
Example answers with text
Example answers with pictures
Insert pictures as answers
- In the menu, click "Questions" and "Enter".
- Choose the Single Response Question and click "Select".
- Enter a "Question Text".
- Enter the possible answers.
- Click "Save".
- Go to the answers and select the pencil icon below the answer options at
- Upload an image or choose an image from the media manager. For instance a thumbs up to the answer "Positive".
- In the question options, select "Turn off radio buttons".
- Click "Save".
- Go back to the answer. You can now select the "Place Image". Choose "Replace the answer text" here.
- Follow these final steps for all answer options.
- Click "Save".
In this example we used a single response question. You can use the show images as an answer option in other questions as well, such as in the Hotspot Question.