Do you manage multiple Survey environments and do you want to conduct the same survey in them? Save time and increase efficiency with our new Import Surveys feature. This allows you to easily export questionnaires to different environments, so you don't have to create every survey in every separate environment.
- In the menu, go to 'Download Center' and 'Import Survey'.
- Select the survey you want to export.
- Select the parts you want to include in the export. You can choose from question and answer texts, quotas, data enrichment (column names), confirmation messages, filters, variables, groups, emails and translations.
- Click on "Export". A file with a ctsurvey extension is downloaded. You cannot open or edit this file in other programs. The file can only be read in a Survey environment.
- In the menu, go to 'Download center' and 'Import Survey' in the Survey environment where you want to import the survey.
- Upload the file by dragging it from the explorer to the field or by selecting it and clicking the plus icon.
- Select the parts you want to include in the import. You can choose from: You can choose from question and answer texts, quotas, data enrichment (column names), confirmation messages, filters, variables, groups, emails and translations.
- Choose a name for the new survey.
- Choose a layout.
- Click on "Import". You can now find the new research in the via menu ‘Manage’ and ‘Home’.